Monday, April 20, 2009

First trip to the zoo this year

Me and one of my boys
These guys were having a very lazy day.

Wide load!

Me and my favorite girl

I hate going to the zoo on the weekends but that's pretty much the only time Robert can join us for the whole thing and he loves showing Lainey all the animals. It wasn't as crowded as I had feared but still not as good as going during the week. Lainey's favorites are the brown bears, giraffes and gorillas. The baby gorilla in particular. She was fascinated with him (or her) and got right up to the window. When our turn came to leave, she grabbed Robert's hand and led him back to the window to get another look. Of course there are no pictures because I didn't have the camera when it was my turn and Robert couldn't get a good shot. It will just have to wait for our next trip, which is looking like it will be next week. We can't wait for the penguin exhibit to open. I have a feeling Lainey is going to love the penguins. It's her favorite game Robert plays on the Wii Fit and she walks around here saying, "waddle, waddle, waddle."

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Beau is looking so grown up. I love Lainey's coat. Looks like you had fun! Love, GML