Sunday, August 24, 2008

Petting zoo at the fair

I have always loved going to the fair. Elephant Ears, cotton candy, rides that make you just a little queasy....I LOVE it. And to say that I've been excited to take Lainey is an understatement. For years I thought about how much fun it would be to take our children and finally, this year I got my chance. Even though it was well over 80 degrees, Lainey had a great time yesterday at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. She was fascinated by the rides, the marching band walking by made her dance in her stroller, liked eating fruit and ice cream (the latter being a rare treat--it IS the fair after all!), and tore through the petting zoo calling saying oooohh! and moooo! It was the day I've waited a long time for and was well worth the wait! I wish I had caught it on video but there's always the Puyallup Fair in a couple of weeks!

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