Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Imagine Children's Museum in Everett

We went to the Children's Museum in Everett with our friends from Gymboree Ellie and Nicole. Ellie and Lainey had fun running around the place while their mommies chased after them. Ellie likes to stay close to her mommy, bless her heart. Lainey on the other hand, likes to do her own thing and I think I got more exercise today than I did at the gym the other day! We both needed a nap when we got home but what a fun day!

Banging on the computer in the "animal clinic"

Ooooohhhh....STAIRS! How fast can I get up there?

If I had to choose, I'd say this was Lainey's favorite spot in the whole place. I think she'd have climbed right into there if I'd had let her. By the time I pulled her away from this room she had not only soaked herself but Ellie as well.

And of course no day is complete without some slide action. Today we decided to go down backwards on our tummy!

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