Friday, June 13, 2008

A great idea "borrowed"

I saw this on another blog awhile ago and thought it was a great idea.

My sweet Laineybug,

We just had your fifteen month doctor visit and you are growing like a little weed at 32.5 inches tall and 26 pounds. Fifteen months was a milestone I have been looking forward to since the day you were born. My mom, your grandmother Cindy, always said this age was her favorite. I don't know why it was her favorite and sadly, she's not here to ask. I do know that she would have loved being your grandma and this age might've continued to be her favorite. Lainey, to put it simply, you are the love of my life (no offense to Daddy). Everytime you give someone or some toy a hug or kiss, I melt a little. When I'm the recipient, my heart feels like it will burst. You have such a happy disposition and toughness that amazes most everyone who meets you. Seeing you in a pair of jeans is probably one of the cutest sights I can imagine. You like to run away from me with some item that you know you're not supposed to have, all the while laughing. You love to dance and twirl to music and you like it when I sing songs to you. One day you'll learn my singing voice is not my best trait but until then, I love that you love it. Your sweet little voice is music to my ears and you make me laugh out loud with your cute expressions and nonstop talking. I know we're going to have some great conversations. You're off to a great start with your vocabulary with Mama, Dada, dog, uh-oh, eyes, hi, and my favorite, mmmmm good which you only say when you are feeding yourself. Every morning I listen for you and you never fail to greet me with a huge smile on your face. You brighten my day like a warm summer day and I miss you when you are sleeping. With just a couple exceptions, every night for the past 15 months I have looked in on you sleeping before going to bed myself. You look like an angel sleeping on your tummy with your little tush up in the air and feet tucked underneath and I thank God for bestowing on me such a precious gift. I am truly blessed to be given the honor of being your mom.

Love you Bug,



Mary Liz said...

So what if you borrowed the idea, it is what you wrote that is so unique and special. It melted my heart! Love, GML

Trinity said...

Maybe one day, Lainey will "borrow" the idea from you. What a beatiful story!

Anonymous said...

Bill Klock