Saturday, May 24, 2008

Family Update

Well we made it to and from Maui safe and sound and had a great time. Beatutiful weather the entire time with only some haze called "VOG" which was smoke from the volcano on the Big Island. Robert and Deanna's favorite part was surfing while I think mine is a tie between the drive to Hana (twelve long hours but worth it in my opinion) and the banana bread we picked up along the drive. So yummy!! If Lainey cold talk, I'm sure her favorite part would be all the wonderful things she got to taste: sand, rocks, leaves, potato chips, pool water, etc....

I'll upload some pictures soon. I need to get old pictures off my computer before loading new ones as I'm afraid this thing will crash on me.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Nic, Robert & Laineybug

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

G & G Davis need a Lainey fix, hurry! It has been a long week for me. Love GML