Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A First for Mommy

I had my first experience with throw up in the crib last night. I put Lainey to bed at her usual 8pm and all was good for a bout a half hour. She started screaming and I found her standing in her crib, mad as a wet hen with hair going every which way. She must have thrown up while laying down and had rubbed her hair and face in it. Needless to say, she got a bath and new jammies put on. On top of that, she got to stay up past 9pm because I've learned not to put her to bed with wet hair. No amount of water or mom spit can get her hair to lay down the next day!

I don't think there is anything worse than the smell of baby spit up once they are drinking whole milk. I'd rather change 10 poopy diapers than deal with that. I think I'm pretty lucky to have made it 13 months without having to change the sheets at night but I'm sure this is the just the first of many evenings like this one.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Just wait until it is 3 am and someone you love and take care of barfs all the way down the stairway. It will take your breath away. Happy days may be ahead. Love GML