Friday, February 15, 2013

Exactly one month later.....

The 2nd tooth popped out while she was chewing on a toy. Why she was chewing on a toy I have no idea but that's Laineybug.  I'm a little bummed I missed the event but happy that Grammy and Grampy (his new nickname) got to witness it. From what I understand, it popped out just after Grampy vacuumed the playroom (love a man that vacuums!) and all four of them were on their hands and knees searching for her tooth.  This time, she wanted the tooth fairy to take the tooth and said she did not want money this time.  So the tooth fairy left her a little stuffed dog that reminds us all of Cooper. She changes the name of it all the time but the latest is Snowflake, Bolt for short.  How she figures Bolt is a nickname for Snowflake is beyond me and not worth trying to figure out.

The adult tooth in the first spot is starting to come through so this smile is likely to change frequently. Right now, I'm loving this cute toothy one.

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