Sunday, May 8, 2011

Two Great Days

March 5, 2007: The day we brought Lainey home and the day I really became a Mother.  I had no idea what I was doing then and I really don't now.  All I know is that I love this crazy sweet little girl so much it scares me.

January 28, 2009: Beau, I fell in love with you immediately. It hit me like a freight train.  You have filled my heart in ways I didn't even realize I needed.  

A special thank you to all those that it took to make me a mother: lawyers, social workers, two incredibly special women: Veronica and Jennifer, judges and God.  And to all the doctors I saw over the years that tried and failed, I am SO glad you didn't succeed! I wouldn't have these two precious babies if you had.  

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Fate is so elusive, bitter sweet and amazing. We go down so many roads with the most unexpected outcomes. I often think: who knows, the best may not even have happened. Fate gave me your Dad and all of you! I am very blessed. XOX GML