Monday, November 17, 2008

Mommy's Weekend Away

This past weekend I was invited to a Girls Weekend at Pacific Beach, about 3 hours from home. While most of the girls are avid scrapbookers, I just hung out and relaxed, started a baby blanket, and took trips down to the beach to take photos and look for sand dollars. I actually found my first sand dollar thanks to Kim who is an expert sand dollar hunter and pointed them out!

It was my first time leaving Lainey with Robert for more than a few hours. I have to say, I am quite impressed with Daddy! In two and a half days I did not receive a single call for help or assistance! Not only that, it appears that both Lainey and Robert had a fabulous Father Daughter Weekend. Ok, to be honest, I'm a little disappointed that Lainey never really missed me. When I walked in the door she said, "hi daddy!" Missed you too Bug!

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