Thursday, November 6, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Telling Daddy all about her day while he drives home from work is become a habit. I'm not sure which of them enjoys this more. Lainey comes running when I ask her if she wants to say hi. She's changing literally overnight. Today she said three new words before we even had breakfast. Just a week ago she would listen but not say anything when you put a phone up to her ear. Now she understands the concept of talking on the phone and even picks up her toy phone and says, "heddo?"
Cuddling on the couch watching her favorite (and only one she'll sit still for) show on Discovery Kids, Hi-5. She walks around saying "show" until you break down and put it on. When we tell her to sit on the couch for the show she runs over to it all excited. NOTHING can distract her when that show is on.

1 comment:

Team Turcotte said...

She is such a beautiful little girl.