Monday, March 3, 2008

Party Pics

For those of you unable to attend yesterday's birthday bash, here are a few pictures. Lainey had a wonderful day playing with all the kids, new toys and balloons. She fell asleep at 4pm yesterday, woke up at 5 to eat dinner and went back to bed at 6 and slept til 9 this morning!!

I can't put my finger on it but something feels different this morning. Maybe it's because I saw how blessed the three of us are that we have so many wonderful friends and family that have taken an interest in this little girl. In the almost 8 years it took us to become parents, I saw what I thought were good friends fall out of touch and mere acquaintances turn into very treasured friends that I wouldn't give up for anything. Yesterday was such an important day for us and we're so happy we could share it with those we care about most.

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