You are: very concerned about letting everyone you meet know that you aren't 3, you are 3 and a half. It's a BIG deal apparently.
You are: a flirt. Daddy taught you to raise your eyebrows say, "How you doin?" like Joey from Friends, a show you'll probably watch years from now and think how silly all the people look and how old fashioned they are. In Wenatchee recently you asked our waitress if she could home with us. You're trouble in the making little dude.
You are: not a fan of nicknames. You are Beau. Not Beau-man, Beau-meister, Meatball (my favorite), Beau-arino, just Beau.
You are: CRAZY! You will jump off of anything, climb anything, touch things you shouldn't, taste things you regret later, and basically, try anything. Especially if you think it's funny or if someone laughs. How we haven't visited the ER with you yet is beyond me.
June 2012
You are: funny. I love your sense of humor. It's wicked and naughty, both of which are necessary for developing a good sense of humor.
You are: Athletic as all get out. You have been able to hit live pitches for months, your swim instructor, after one session of lessons told us you're an "advanced, advanced three year old," you can flip like a little monkey in gymnastics and have a great arm. I have yet to find a sport you're not good at. Remember how much Mommy loved you and kissed your owies when you become the pro baseball player you told me you'd be ok?
April 2012
You are: Mine even though you like to frustrate me by saying you're Daddy's. Ok, you're both of ours. But you have been my little man since the moment you entered this world and you'll always be my baby, no matter what.
August 23 2012
I love you 154 Just Beau.
XOXO Mommy