Monday, March 28, 2011

The Many Faces of Bug

Ever since she was a baby, Lainey has a talent for making the goofiest faces.  Where she comes up with them, no one knows. But we love every one of them! Unless I'm trying to take a "normal" picture of her anyway.  Her personality comes out more and more everyday and not only is she pretty easygoing, she's got a great sense of humor.  She's also started talking with an east coast accent, specifically, a Boston accent.  That fever must've fried something up her little noggin!  
Flash forward to 13? 

I don't even know how she got her face to do this!

All of these were taken while making lemon meringue pie with Daddy and Grammy.  The inspiration for the pie, (as if we needed any prompting for desserts!) came from one of Lainey and Beau's current favorite books, Amelia Bedelia.  Beau would've helped make the pie except he was sick this weekend and was napping while the baking commenced.  Photos of him and his version of Pete and Sally with pudding will follow. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Remember this little guy? He's growing like a weed and seems to become smarter and craftier by the minute! He loves having his Grammy and Grandpa all to himself for part of the week but we miss him and can tell he misses us, in particular, Daddy.  Once in awhile he grabs his shoes, tells Grammy bye bye and heads for the door. When asked where he's going, he says, "I'm going home."  I feel bad but am glad he's where he is. This remodel is tough enough with Lainey and it would be unbearable if we were all living in the basement.
Things are progressing nicely on the house. Windows are a bit late but they seem to be working around them.  I've been busy choosing flooring, lighting locations and fixtures, electrical outlet locations, and working on details with the cabinet maker.  Soon it will be time to choose the stain for the hardwood floors, and paint colors, one of the more stressful areas for me.  How the house looks this morning:
I can't tell you how excited I am to see that half moon window gone!

In the meantime, Lainey brought home a nasty flu bug that apparently whipped through her preschool.  The one thing that girl doesn't mind sharing is her germs and wouldn't you know it, I caught it.  Right now she has this mysterious red rash that supposedly, is harmless and will be gone within 48 hours.  Poor thing isn't feeling like herself and that rash is scaring her mother!
During all of this chaos, Beau turned two, Lainey turned four and I haven't kept up with  my blogging.  I feel guilty, not so much for all of the people who read the blog, but for Lainey and Beau. I do this blog for them and for me. It's my way of memory keeping and I certainly don't want them to look back and think I forgot their birthdays or wonder why there is a big gap in the entries. But, I'll have the before and after photos of our house and maybe they'll understand.