You are 18 months old, going on 4 it seems. Anything your sister does, you have to do. Most sunny days the two of you are out in the backyard, digging up worms, flinging dirt around and looking for ants. You love to have all your balls in the backyard and practice throwing them from the top of the yard down to the bottom. If Lainey gets a time-out, you try to join her. I can see already that it isn't going to be a good tactic to use with you as you seem to find them enjoyable. You love to imitate Daddy and follow him around like he's a rock star. You two have a very special connection and I love watching the two of you together. You are even showing an interest in using the potty chair!
I wish I could tell you how many words you know. I kept a list of the first 100 words Lainey said. I tried to do that with you but haven't been successful. It's not because you're the second child or anything. It's because I honestly don't know. Every time you hear a new word, you repeat it! Today you said a four word sentence, "Daddy, more banana please."
You can turn on the charm with people and are already showing signs of being a class clown. You make me laugh 100 times a day. You also make my heart stop that many times as well with your climbing skills. I dread finding out about your "falling" skills!
I hope you don't feel like you're not getting enough attention. You are and forever will be, my sweet baby boy. Your sweet, easygoing disposition make you even more charming. We don't really have a bedtime routine yet as you are the easiest child to put to bed. Some nights you even crawl in your crib all by yourself! As long as you have your binky, Bunnz and your monkey blanket (no matter how hot it is outside!) you are all set.
The last 18 months have flown by and I know I'll blink and you'll be two. These precious days of babyhood are flying past us and I'll miss your sweet little toes and being able to carry you on my hip. But at the same time, I am really looking forward to seeing that gigantic personality emerge with your growing body. You are going to be an even more amazing young man and I'm so glad I get to see you blossom every day. I don't want to wish your babyness away because it's been so fun for me. But if I ask you what Mommy loves when you're 5, humor me and let me have a bite of that baby meat I love so much.
All my love,
One day you'll want to kill me for having pics like this. But it's your own fault for wanting to run around naked. I can't help I love your little tush!