My sweet baby (emphasis on baby) Beau, you are 17 months old today. I don't think you realize or accept that you're young. From what I can tell, you are in a major hurry to grow up. You are an endless source of laughter, sweetness, trouble-making, cuteness, and joy. The way you watch others and imitate what they say and do amazes us. You are clearly a very bright child and I am so excited to watch you grow. I didn't know what to expect when I was told I was getting a son and you definitely keep me on my toys. But I love having a son more than you will ever know. God knew I needed you in my life and I will be forever grateful that He chose me to be your mother.
Some of the things about you like:
~Daddy and Grandpa are your two favorite people
~Bunnz and Bear are your favorite bedtime pals
~Your binky is a major addiction at this point. If I ask if you want to go to bed, you reply, "Binky?" in hopes that you'll get it.
~You love to dance, particularly Ring Around the Rosey, anything by Fergie and Forever by Chris Brown
~You love to spin around and get spun around by Daddy or anyone willing to twirl you
~We think you're going to be an adrenaline junkie. You love to climb up anything you can get a grip on: the table and chairs, the rocks and retaining walls outside, the tv console. Once you get to the top, you love to launch yourself off, giving me a good scare.
~You love your sister like crazy and want to do everything she does and more. You love to chase each other. Even when she pushes you down and lands on top of you, you're giggling like crazy.
~You love to walk. Unlike your sister who insists on being carried or riding in the stroller, you would much rather walk. And you walk fast too! I can hardly keep up when I'm holding your hand!
~You like ice cream but not in a cone. You prefer yours in a cup with a spoon.
~You love to eat but aren't a big meat fan. The only meat I've seen you eat is rotisserie chicken from Costco. You love fruit and veggies and will try just about anything we give you, except meat. Some of your favorites: bananas, apricots, berries, the baby food that now comes in pouches (love those!) and crackers
~You like to sneak into the snack cabinet and bring me something and say, "bite" or "crackers?"
~When you eat you insist on having a spoon with whatever you eat, even if it doesn't require a spoon.
~You have a great sense of humor and love to make us laugh. You also have a mischievous side and like to test us.
~You give the sweetest hugs and kisses but don't give them out too freely.
~I don't even know how many words you can say because every time I say a word, you repeat it! One of my favorite things you say is, "Alright" instead of ok.
~You like the cake part of a cupcake while your sister likes the frosting. Together, you make the perfect cupcake!
~You love to sleep with your blanket with the monkeys on it that Grammy made for you.
~And last but not least, playing peekaboo
Some things you aren't that fond of:
-The cold. You like splashing in the pool but only if it's warm water. You get cold pretty easily. The other day you threw all your balls into the pool and then ran around it trying to figure out how to get them out without getting wet.
-eating meat, although you like chicken nuggets and hamburgers from Dick's or Red Mill. You've got great taste there at least!
-sour things, like nectarines or peaches unless they are really ripe
-having your nose wiped or your face washed
-having socks on. I find them all over the house and laying on the floor by your crib.
~Sippy cups. You would still be drinking from a bottle if I hadn't pushed you to switch. But you are not a fan of sippy cups either. It's a daily battle to get fluids into your little body. You are so busy exploring and causing trouble that you don't drink enough. You do like juice boxes though and I just might buy the ones that have water and milk just so I can keep you healthy!
I love you madly little man. My hope is that you and your sister always know you are so very loved. You are my world.
Happy 17 month Smurf Day sweet boy.
All my love,