Thursday, February 25, 2010

Goodbye House

March 2005

Dear 20209,

With all the packing and purging hullabaloo going on, I haven't really had time to think about what you have meant to me. You will definitely be missed.  I will never forget walking up the front steps, carrying my precious cargo in March 2007 and again in February 2009.  You've kept us warm, dry and safe and are the site of so so many wonderful memories we will carry with us the rest of our lives.  Whenever we think of the Lainey and Beau's "firsts," you will be there too.  They took their first steps in the same place and each has claimed a room of their own.  They love their play room and Lainey knows exactly just how fast she can run around the corner before she has to lean into it or crash.  Beau has mastered crawling at superhero speed across the hardwood floors.  Both of them are so comfortable here that neither leaves their socks on for long. We've all made some new friends here and in neighborhood.   You have seen a lot of love, happiness and joy and I hope you will see more of the same.  What I will miss the most: taking nice long bubble baths in the corner bathtub.  You witnessed our transition from a couple to a family and you will forever be a part of our memories.

Thanks for a great 4 1/2 years!

The Reid Family

August 2009

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard

What's left in the cabinet:  Motrin for headaches, Peppermint Oil for muscle aches (there are so many I am starting to smell like Santa Claus), coffee for my sanity (I am seriously hooked on caffeine these days) and popcorn salt to go with our new addiction: a bag of microwave popcorn. 

As a side note, in trying to remember the words to this nursery rhyme, I somehow mixed it with Little Miss Muffet. Maybe I should've left some alcohol in the cupboard after all.

I also realized that Blogger doesn't have a feature to make a blog password protected. Instead, I have to invite people to be readers.  So please send me a comment with your email address and I promise to invite you.  If you know I have your email address you don't need to send me another.

4 days and counting...

Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Days!?

It's crunch time around here. The house looks like hit was hit with a tornado quickly followed by an earthquake.  There are boxes everywhere and we have to be careful where we put them. Beau uses them as stairs and was seen sitting at the kitchen table the other day.  Those that are either empty of partially filled often have a sock, toy or shoe in them as he likes to put stuff into things.  He threw away a pair of Lainey's socks last night.  I fished them out but the silver lining is that at least he threw away both of them. I would've gone crazy trying to find just one.

In password news, if you leave a comment here, include your email address so I can respond quickly.  I haven't decided just when I'll make it password protected.  According to my trusty map on the right, there are some frequent visitors in places I don't know anyone, or at least, I don't think I do.  Please show yourselves! I welcome having visitors to the blog, it makes me feel important even though I know we're just another  family in the burbs. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

9 days--Updated

Nine days left til we move, slightly longer til our current house is on the market and this is what my daughter does. With a permanent marker.  I was so mad I thought my head was going to pop completely off.  I'm at a loss as to how to react in these situations.  My natural reaction is not healthy for anyone but I don't have any other tools at my disposal.  I don't recall this sort of thing being addressed in "What to Expect the Toddler Years."  Dear Abby, Super Nanny, Emily Post, Martha, Oprah, ANYBODY-what do I do to impress upon this child that this is unacceptable?   In the meantime, there isn't enough chocolate, caffeine or shoes to get me out of this mood at this point.

I got most of the marker off the toilet. Getting it off the porcelain was easy but the plastic parts was harder and I think I rubbed my fingerprints off my fingers in the process.  

*Side note: After getting some spam messages and unknown visitors, I've decided to make the blog password protected in the very near future.  To get the password, send me an email, leave a comment below, or have your people talk to my people and we'll get you set up.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


For those wondering how the packing is going, this should give you some insight. And yes, they are in those two boxes. If only I could tape them shut....
"Um, Mom, I'm not really sure about this whole stuck in a box thing."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monkeys in a Cage

Who needs a trip to the zoo when you've got these two?  
You CAN feed the wild animals at this park.  In fact, it's encouraged!
[If you can see past the dirty window in the background]

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

We spent all weekend, including today, packing and getting things ready for the move.  Not a very romantic Valentine's Day but there was chocolate and more importantly, I got to spend the day with my 3 sweethearts! 

If you're a longtime blog reader (one of our most faithful followers, Tina B) you might remember I took a picture of Lainey and Beau's feet last year.  Here's this year's shot. 

Hope your day was filled with lots of love, hugs and smooches!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When blueberries attack and other random thoughts

Unlike most of the country, I was NOT rooting for the Saints to win the Super Bowl.  This was the first time I can remember where I had no interest in it.  Usually, there's at least the commercials. Nope, not this year. I'm still smarting over the Viking's season and just couldn't face it.  Instead, after packing in the morning, I went shopping with my friend Amy. Unfortunately, it was still on when I got home and I was forced to see the end.   Lainey kept saying it was the Seahawks (don't we wish?!) and Beau was just happy to finally get his hands on the remote.  I just love his toes!  You can always count on the toes on one foot being clenched.  

And finally, is this not the cutest, most handsome boy you've ever seen?  Not only is adorable, he's sweet, funny AND smart! He's the perfect man!  Well, once he gets taller than 30 inches he will be!  He totally has me wrapped around his little finger. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday, old man!  When we met 13 years ago, 40 sure seemed a long way away, didn’t it?  I would have never thought that at 40 we would be where we are.  About to move to an area we dreamed about when we were dating,  two cute kids that idolize their Daddy, and just as in love as ever.  And you’re still my best friend.  Thank you for that.  
I am so, so, so unbelievably lucky to have you as my husband and Lainey and Beau are just as lucky to have you as their Daddy.  You are such an amazing man.  So intelligent, funny, patient, and selfless.  Thank you for being such a great Dad and for giving him such a good example to look up to.  
I don’t know how this next decade can ever top the last.  So many great things happened to us in our 30’s.  But, I’m excited to see what our 40’s (although I still have a whole year left of being a 30-something!) have in store for us.  As long as we’re together I know we’ll have a ton of fun, laugh a lot, and be as happy as ever!  And if you ask me, you just get better with age! 
I love you with you all my heart and soul,

Happy Birthday! Here's to another 40 years!

People we'll miss when we move

I'll miss this sweet girl's Mommy and and Lainey will miss her friend.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Little Stinker

Everyone thinks I am so cute. And I am.  When I snuggle up to Mommy and Daddy, they melt like butter in my hands. 
My cuteness almost ALMOST let's me get away with bugging my sister like this. 
And like this. She just loves it when I pull her hair.  I do it so quietly that hardly anyone notices.  Except this time Mommy had her camera out and caught me. Oops!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I've always admired the curly hair on my friend's kids and never thought I'd have a curly haired child.  I love Beau's curls and can't wait to see how his hair grows out!  The humidity in Hawaii really made his hair curl and I just couldn't stop playing with his hair.  Just reason #12,099, 347 I love this kid

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Favorite thing in the world

Beau is just nuts for balls. Doesn't matter what kind, size or color, he loves them all and has been trying to play catch with us for months.  He gets such a kick out of himself when he bounces it, catches it or even if you roll it to him. I'm surprised it wasn't his first word he loves them so much.

Blogger won't let me upload videos so again, I'm forced to link to YouTube.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A lot in 26 days

Til I get to see my husband A LOT more.
Til Lainey and Beau get to see their Daddy A LOT more.
Til Daddy's stress level gets reduced at least a little, hopefully A LOT more.
Til this is the view from our bedroom windows, which is ALOT better than the chicken coop we see now.