Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hola Daddy!

Big shout out to Daddy. Hope you're having fun in sunny Mexico! We miss you and love you very much! Mommy and Lainey are still fighting colds but Grammy is taking very good care of all of us. Enjoy your man-cation and remember who loves you--US!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My handsome little man

There aren't too many things more precious than a sleeping baby, but...... I finally got some pictures of Beau awake! Don't you think he looks like a little 80 year old man in this sweater? A friend gave it to us along with a bunch of other stuff and it was just too cute not to wear. I love it!
Since the moment we found out he was a boy, I could not picture what he would look like. Now as I get to know Beau and his little personality, I cannot believe he's actually here!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The last four weeks have been a whirlwind! Life has gotten fuller, more beautiful and much MUCH busier!! Today some of Robert's co-workers had a surprise baby shower for Robert and part of the surprise was that Beau, Lainey and I come down to celebrate. They have blessed us so much over the years with their prayers, support, gifts and friendship. My sister saved my butt today by going with us and helping me. I would have been very late had she not come along! She even let Lainey lick all the frosting off HER piece of cake at the shower! I've never known a cooler or nicer aunt!
Saturday my sister and best friends Bridgette and Jeena threw a baby shower for Beau. The little slept through the entire party! It was a great party with lots of great food, the decorations were amazing and it all started with Bridgette finding some great scrapbooking paper that matched Beau's bedding, also a Bridgette find! What would I do without her?

Two of my favorite people. Another favorite girlfriend took the photo!

There have been a handful of times in my life that have provided a valuable lesson: who your true friends really are. I learned long ago that life is too short to waste it on the wrong people and to cherish those you love and that love you. All of the people that were with me every step of the way on my journey to motherhood are dear to my heart and I truly do not believe I could have done it without them. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and would do anything for me and I know how lucky I am to have married my soulmate and love of my life. I thank God for giving me him every day. Not to take anything away from him, but there is just something special and unique about girlfriends. From the truly incredible women I've met in Peps, my neighborhood, through other friends, those I've known just a short time and those I've known a long time, I have accumulated quite a group of fabulous friends! I just hope you know how much you mean to me and I hope I am half as good a friend to you as you are to me. I am truly blessed.

Lainey checking out Daddy's office and desk. His phone rang and she tried to answer it saying, "hello. hellooooo." It was hilarious!

The awesome party setup on Saturday. Bridgette, Nan and Jeena, you WAY outdid yourselves!!

My sweet, talented Mother in law made me a pie for my birthday. How sweet is she to put my initial and a heart on it? She is the best and I am so lucky to have her in my life!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My Favorite Moment

Besides when they are both sleeping of course!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The shirt says it all!
My two lovebugs

The difference between a two year old's foot and a two week old's foot

A little bit of Beau

The last two weeks have really flown by. Robert is returning to work on Monday and with Robert and Lainey being sick, solving Beau's eating issues and gassiness (still waiting to see if that last one is resolved) and now this little eye "thing" that he has, I haven't had time to take very many pictures of Beau. I'm planning on doing some photo sessions over the next few weeks while Lainey is taking her nap. For now, I have a couple shots that I took last night.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Aquarium

With Robert going back to work soon and everyone finally healthy, we decided to take the clan to the Aquarium today. They recently completed a huge remodel and it was very cool! Beau was happy and content to sleep through the entire thing in the sling. We grabbed some clam chowder (not as good as on Bainbridge Red) and lemons for Lainey. Yes, that's what she ate-a slice of lemon.
Lainey really liked touching the starfish. Anytime she can play with water, it's a good day!
Checking out the giant octopus

No trip to the Aquarium is complete without paying a visit to Dori and Nemo. Remember, fish are our friends, not food! Apparently that didn't sink in--in addition to clam chowder, we had fish and chips for lunch!

My favorite is the sea otters and it was fun to see Lainey's reaction.

Daddy's Girl

Pure silliness

Ready for a nap but not giving up that lemon!

And to end the day's adventure, a ride on the carousel. At first she wanted to get down and by the end, didn't want to get off the ride.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lainey and the giant Elmo balloon

Aunt Nan bought Lainey an Elmo balloon after we brought Beau home. Lainey is 1) obsessed with balloons, and 2) in love with all things Elmo. The balloon has been a huge hit....with Lainey. Her parents-not so much. Lainey insists on holding the balloon wherever she goes. When she is done with it, she hands it to someone else to hold. You are not allowed to clip it to anything, you must hold it until she wants it back. Since this is next to impossible, Elmo takes long naps in the spare room and comes out for playdates.
Grammy Reid stayed with us for a few days while Lainey and Robert were sick. We were sad to see her leave yesterday as she took such good care of all of us. Lainey especially loves playing and cuddling with her Grammy. We're already planning fun things for us to do when she comes to stay with us while Daddy is in Mexico in a couple of weeks.
My first picture of me with both of my kids. It still feels weird to say, "kids" as in plural! But in a really REALLY good way!!
I finally found some time to do a little photo session with Beau.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Almost a family photo

I just got the pictures that were taken in the hospital. I've been watching the mail for them and was so excited to get them today! Without Lainey it's not a complete family photo but I'll get to that once everyone is healthy again. In the meantime we're just enjoying our sweet boy.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick update on the Reid Quartet. Robert and Lainey have an awful stomach flu and are miserable. I'm praying Beau and I don't get it. Thankfully, Robert's mom is here with us and is a tremendous help! Not to mention a great cook! Robert's dad was here yesterday vacuuming and shampooing the carpets and rugs that have been contaminated and is planning on shampooing the rest of the carpets today. I'm so lucky to have such fantastic in-laws. I probably won't get a chance to upload and post pictures for awhile. I haven't even taken any pictures for a few days.

Beau is doing wonderfully. He is a fabulous sleeper and is such an easygoing baby. His umbilical cord stump fell off this morning so once his circumcision heals, that boy is getting a bath! He's a sweet cuddly little guy and you can hardly tell there's a baby in the house he's so quiet.