Monday, March 31, 2008

How did she???

As I was making Lainey's dinner a few minutes ago I glanced over into the living room and there she is sitting on the coffee table reading a book! She's been trying to figure out a way to climb up the dinosaur toy and apparently found just the right spot for those little feet.


You can't see from this angle but Coop is actually half under the covers. Nothing makes him happier than sleeping on somebody's lap, preferably Robert, but he'll take what he can get. In my next life, I want to be him!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Breakfast in Bed

Lainey got to have her milk in Mommy and Daddy's bed this morning while we were getting ready to go out for breakfast. She loves to look at the ceiling fan and enjoyed hanging out in the bed.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The view outside

So here I am listening to Hawaiian music, getting excited about our trip to Maui in May when I look outside....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's been that kind of day....

Lainey loves nothing better than to empty things-the drawers, cupboards, her toy box, Mommy's desk.....whatever she can get her hands on.
As soon as I put stuff away, out she takes it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Watching American Idol

Lainey was really getting into American Idol last night. She really liked Syeshia and started clapping when she was done singing. To be fair, Syeshia was the only one she saw because it was off to bed for our little Laineybug.
Ooohhhh...Simon didn't like it...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Baby Idol

Hi Everyone!! I need your help to make Lainey the next Baby Idol!! Voting for Lainey's group starts March 26th and goes all day. All the details are listed on the website. All I know for sure is that you have to sign up on their website and that you can vote every ten minutes!! So please help us if you can and spread the word!

Thank You!

Happy Easter!

We hope the Easter Bunny was good to you all and you found lots of eggs. Have a joyous day!

Lainey, Nicole & Robert

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Shout out to the Shepherd Family

For some reason Blogger won't let me post a comment on your blog today. Not sure why. I love the pics and videos of Carter wearing shoes! It's so great to see a guy who loves shoes!! Hopefully it's a lifelong passion!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lainey at Gymboree

On Tuesdays we go to Gymboree class and Lainey loves it. When we walk in the door she squeals and tries her best to break free of me. For the past several weeks she has done something new. It was at Gymboree that she stood up on her own for the first time. This week she climbed up one of the pieces of equipment just like a little monkey. I love watching her and seeing what new things she'll whip out during class and won't be surprised if she takes her first steps at Gymboree.
She loves to be right in the thick of things with the other kids. I think it's the real reason she likes it so much.

The only time she sits still is when the teacher blows bubbles. Then she crawls into my lap and just stares at her. Her other favorite is being underneath the parachute.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who is this little person?

When did she get this big? I know all parents say this but I can't get over how grownup she looks! The books say they grow in their sleep and I really believe it now!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Domestic Adoption Myths

For those of you who would like to know more about domestic adoption or those who don't know anything other than what you have seen on tv, I came across an article today that debunks some of the myths that are out there. I am open to answering any and all questions you may have. As you all probably have guessed, I am very passionate about eliminating the stigma that is attached to all adoptions, not just domestic. And as for the issues in this article, you have the Reid Trio to use as a case study.

Ok....I'm off my soapbox now. New pics of Lainey doing something I find spectacular to follow shortly.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Doin the Dash

We did the St. Patrick's Day Dash today in downtown Seattle. It was both mine and Lainey's first time doing it and it was lots of fun! Her favorite was honking the horn on her stroller to get the slow pokes out of our way!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

First Haircut!

Big BIG day today! Lainey's first haircut!! LONG OVERDUE I might add! She didn't like it one bit either but afterwards she was back to her normal happy self. Thank you so much Hava! I'm so glad her first haircut was by someone we know.
I can't believe how much older she looks though! Just a year ago I was preparing myself for when Robert went back to work and already she's a little girl and not a baby!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Where is it?

I have finally given up and cleaned out my desk drawer and filled it with Lainey's toys. She loves to dig through it and pull everything out. Every day it seems she is looking for a different toy to play with although sometimes I think the goal is to just empty the drawer! I don't know how she does it but she stands on the very tips of her toes sometimes.

Found it! She may make a mess wherever she goes but it's all worth it when I see her pull out a book.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Big Girl

After our walk we let Lainey loose because she will stand up if there is something good to look at and apparently, plants are pretty cool.

Friday, March 7, 2008

We've got a climber!

I really don't know what to do with this girl. She figured out if she stands in the bottom drawer, she can reach stuff in the upper drawers and on the counter!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I REALLY love to help with the dishes

I'm definitely going to bring this picture and the other one out when she's older and doesn't want to help out.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Favorite Picture

I have had the idea for this picture in my head for ages and finally, on Lainey's birthday we got to make it happen and I love it!! Thanks Shanny!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Aunt Nan

I owe a special shout out to my sister Deanna. She was such a huge help to me during the planning for Lainey's party. From babysitting so I could go to the scrapbook store and cut out the Lainey bugs for the invites to baking the delicious cupcakes to helping the day of the party. She was always willing and available to help out.

You are a FANTASTIC Aunt Nan!! We love you so much and can't wait to say ALOHA and have a Mai Tai with you!!!!
P.S. We think you ROCK the red hair!!

Check out my teeth!!

Party Pics

For those of you unable to attend yesterday's birthday bash, here are a few pictures. Lainey had a wonderful day playing with all the kids, new toys and balloons. She fell asleep at 4pm yesterday, woke up at 5 to eat dinner and went back to bed at 6 and slept til 9 this morning!!

I can't put my finger on it but something feels different this morning. Maybe it's because I saw how blessed the three of us are that we have so many wonderful friends and family that have taken an interest in this little girl. In the almost 8 years it took us to become parents, I saw what I thought were good friends fall out of touch and mere acquaintances turn into very treasured friends that I wouldn't give up for anything. Yesterday was such an important day for us and we're so happy we could share it with those we care about most.

Sunday, March 2, 2008