Santa brought me a new lens for my camera and I tried it out today while Lainey was taking a bath. It may just be me but I think she's even cuter!! This marked the first time that she looked at the camera AND smiled without me having to make noises or sing songs to get her attention! I hope she continues! I like the first one the best but her smile in the second one is just irrestible (like the rest of her little body) to me.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas morning
When Lainey saw this big package in the living room she said, "No, no, nooooo!" But since it took Santa and his elf 4 1/2 HOURS to put it together, by golly she was going to unwrap it!!! After I put the first rip in the paper she dug right in and has been playing with it ever since. She really wasn't interested in opening any other presents after this one. It's been a treat watching her make coffee, use the mixer to make soup and hang up her utensils. Maybe she's develop a love of cooking that her mother definitely doesn't have!
Oooooooh! What's this?
Making coffee
Taking a break from cooking to chat with Grandma Reid
Our backyard this wonderful white Christmas. I love having snow for Christmas morning but I'm ready for the rain to take it away! Never thought I'd be hoping for rain!
That's a definite first!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Top 12 Memories of 2008
It was really hard to narrow the list down to one for each month. We are thankful for all the new friends we've made, for all the old ones that have stuck with us, and all the fun times we shared with all of you.
Lainey and Daddy enjoying their music class together. This is where Lainey officially took her first steps
Lainey started standing up all by herself
Probably our most memorable month, but I think the biggest experience was Lainey's first birthday
Lainey started walking!
We took a family vacation to Maui
We officially entered the adoption wait pool. June 19th I mailed our portfolio.
Got the call that a birthmother wanted to meet us on the 23rd. That was fast!
The Davis family drove all the way from North Dakota to visit us.
We met Jennifer in Spokane and learned we are getting a boy!
Lainey's first time trick or treating with the neighbor kids and her two best friends, Ellie and Paige
We took the train to North Dakota to spend Thanksgiving with the Davis family
Watching Lainey play in the snow
2009 is looking to be another exciting year for the Reid's. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Beau Davis Reid, the fourth member of our little family. I'm looking forward to experiencing the baby thing again while Robert is excited to have a son and another male in the house finally. Lainey on the other hand, really has no idea what's coming but I have a feeling she's going to love having a real live baby in the house. She'll probably think he's hers!
We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and very blessed 2009.
Lainey, Nicole & Robert
Our favorite photo from 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
While Lainey munched on snow (no yellow stuff I promise), I added a member of the family. I haven't made a snowman since I was about 12 and had a hard time finding something to use for his eyes. He's a little beady eyed devil but I think his hat makes up for it.
First he had blue eyes and cowboy hat but it just wasn't "him."
However, his eyes kept falling out and that wasn't going to work.
Then I found some leftover berries on one our bushes and my gold hat.
Not perfect but much better!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Latest Milestone Achievement-UPDATED
I knew this day was coming but I had hoped it wouldn't be for awhile. After putting Lainey down for her nap yesterday, Robert and I settled in on the couch, all comfy with blankets and a movie when we heard a clang come from somewhere in the house. We looked at each other and at the same time, said, "No way!" and headed for the stairs. About halfway up we were greeted by Lainey! She figured out how to get out of her crib and silently I might add! Her face and feet were red from the physical exertion of her attempts. After a mad dash to the store (in the middle of the biggest snowstorm to hit Seattle in ten years) to get babyproofing supplies for our budding gymnast/acrobat. We turned her crib into a toddler bed and frantically tried to figure out a way of convincing her to sleep in it. Robert spent 2 1/2 hours reading, holding and singing to her and finally got her to sleep. I was QUITE impressed with him! He's got some major talent when it comes to this child let me tell you! At 2:30am we were awakened by crying and Daddy went to try his magic a second time. No such luck so we moved her pack and play with a crib tent attached to the top into her room. We are attempting to get her used to her bed but she's not interested in the least and until we wear her down, it's the cage for this one.
As for the video, I wanted to see how she was climbing out and wanted to document the milestone.
As for the video, I wanted to see how she was climbing out and wanted to document the milestone.
Update: Lainey has been starting out the night in her bed and when she wakes up in the night we put her in the pack and play. Today I put her in the pack and play for nap and of course she didn't sleep. After a little while I went up to check on her and had a funny feeling she wasn't in it anymore. I opened the door to a crying child and all I could say was, "OH, MY GOSH!" She got into everything that wasn't bolted down!
She not only got the crib tent (attached by clamps I might add) off the pack play, she tossed it across the room! Robert put bungee cords on it tonight so we'll see what happens. I am quite possibly going to lose my mind before the week is over.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Meeting Santa
Did not go well for Lainey
But we fooled her long enough to get a family photo. I think it's my favorite photo of all us.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It has been quite a couple of weeks for the Reid family. We have all been sick and laid up in the house like hermits it seems. We managed to go and get a Christmas tree only to take it back to the lot and get a new one so we are now on our second tree. We're only putting lights on it this year due to Lainey's intense fascination with the tree and the lights. Every morning she looks over and says, "ooooh! Lights!"
Snow was forecasted for yesterday and today and when we went to bed last night it was just starting to stick to the ground. We woke up to about 2 inches on the ground and couldn't resist bundling up and going outside. Lainey had a great time playing snowball catch with Daddy and got to be the first person to go down the slide at the playground since it snowed. Now if the Seahawks can pull out a win, it would be a fantastic day!
Two sickies sharing some soup
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Overdue North Dakota Trip Pics
I'm way overdue in posting pics from our trip to North Dakota for Thanksgiving with the Davis'. I love visiting my family. Nobody gets me like they do. Even though I never lived in North Dakota, when I visit my dad, I feel like I'm home. I started missing them before the train pulled out of the station and now looking through the photos I'm starting to miss them all over again.
Robert and I both got our fun out of North Dakota by going flying with my dad and pheasant "roody" hunting. Robert actually killed one whereas I drove the getaway vehicle. I did get to see 8 moose from the plane though.
Lainey had a great time and seemed to put on quite a show for us all. She's decided she likes climbing onto the top of the table, wearing glasses but not hats, sharing cinnamon sugar popcorn (soooo good!) with Grandpa, fish tanks, playing the piano with Grandma Mary Liz, playing with Kid E, Buddy and watching Hi-5 with her best pal Lacy.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
So Lainey is all about looking at Christmas lights this week but I'm not sure who is enjoying this more-her or me. While she oohs and ahhs over every house we see, I can't get enough of watching her ooh and ahh. She has a look of such pure joy and sweetness. I've made it my goal to get a good shot of her looking at lights but it's not happening thus far. I either get a clear shot that has none of the feeling I'm going for due to the flash or I get a fuzzy shot without a flash. It's fun trying either way.
I hung a string of lights in her room and she just loves looking and touching them. Naptime and bedtimes have been a breeze! I just may leave them up all year!!
I hung a string of lights in her room and she just loves looking and touching them. Naptime and bedtimes have been a breeze! I just may leave them up all year!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
21 months
My sweet Lainey,
I would love to write you a heartfelt letter on this anniversary of sorts however, I simply do not have the time. You are one busy little girl and keep me busy from the minute you wake up til the moment you fall asleep! How fitting then that this will be more of a brainstormed list of all that you are doing at this point in your life.
Dancing dancing dancing! Favorite songs: Elmo's Song and Wheels on the Bus
Hi-5-Mesmerizes you!
You love saying new words and most of the time will repeat what I say
Putting on shoes (doesn't matter who they belong to) and walking around the house all proud of yourself
Taking off all your clothes
Song! You ask for me to put music on for you so you can dance
Counting 1-10
Stacking blocks and counting them until you squeal and knock them over
Achoo! You also say Bless you
Climbing on EVERYTHING
No! Big surprise there! You also hear (and say) "Lainey!" and "Get Down!"
Pointing your finger and saying no
Books all the time-in bed, at breakfast, in the house, when you change your clothes, all over the house
Favorite books: A Mother for Choco, Bear Wants More and your favorite part is when he "eat, eat, eats!" I like how you find a book and read it to yourself, saying different parts of it.
Going to the stairs and yelling, "Robert!" which Mommy finds hilarious but Daddy...not so much
Your laugh makes me laugh and then we're both laughing
Biting-so far just Mommy and Daddy but we're hoping this is just a phase. I know it's completely normal for you to be doing this but you bite hard!
I took you to see some Christmas lights last night. You kept pointing at them and talking. I couldn't understand a word after you said, "oooooh!" but I think it's safe to say you liked them.
You have started paying more attention to Cooper and love giving him treats.
You are always on the go and keep us on our toes Laineybug. But I love how your whole face lights up when you smile and how you fill my heart with joy with one of your hugs. You are my heart sweet girl and I couldn't love you more.
Love you
I would love to write you a heartfelt letter on this anniversary of sorts however, I simply do not have the time. You are one busy little girl and keep me busy from the minute you wake up til the moment you fall asleep! How fitting then that this will be more of a brainstormed list of all that you are doing at this point in your life.
Dancing dancing dancing! Favorite songs: Elmo's Song and Wheels on the Bus
Hi-5-Mesmerizes you!
You love saying new words and most of the time will repeat what I say
Putting on shoes (doesn't matter who they belong to) and walking around the house all proud of yourself
Taking off all your clothes
Song! You ask for me to put music on for you so you can dance
Counting 1-10
Stacking blocks and counting them until you squeal and knock them over
Achoo! You also say Bless you
Climbing on EVERYTHING
No! Big surprise there! You also hear (and say) "Lainey!" and "Get Down!"
Pointing your finger and saying no
Books all the time-in bed, at breakfast, in the house, when you change your clothes, all over the house
Favorite books: A Mother for Choco, Bear Wants More and your favorite part is when he "eat, eat, eats!" I like how you find a book and read it to yourself, saying different parts of it.
Going to the stairs and yelling, "Robert!" which Mommy finds hilarious but Daddy...not so much
Your laugh makes me laugh and then we're both laughing
Biting-so far just Mommy and Daddy but we're hoping this is just a phase. I know it's completely normal for you to be doing this but you bite hard!
I took you to see some Christmas lights last night. You kept pointing at them and talking. I couldn't understand a word after you said, "oooooh!" but I think it's safe to say you liked them.
You have started paying more attention to Cooper and love giving him treats.
You are always on the go and keep us on our toes Laineybug. But I love how your whole face lights up when you smile and how you fill my heart with joy with one of your hugs. You are my heart sweet girl and I couldn't love you more.
Love you
Sunday, November 30, 2008
How to Survive a 25+ hour Train Ride with a Toddler
Friday, November 21, 2008
Best Friend Hippy
I learned this morning that Hippy meows.
Just one of the many things Lainey teaches me every day.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Good Morning to you too!
The first word out of Lainey's mouth this morning was, "Book?" and she wouldn't lie still long enough for me to change her diaper until I had to given her one. Then, she wouldn't come downstairs for breakfast until she had picked out two books to bring down with her! As you can probably guess, I don't discourage her love of books in the least.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mommy's Weekend Away
This past weekend I was invited to a Girls Weekend at Pacific Beach, about 3 hours from home. While most of the girls are avid scrapbookers, I just hung out and relaxed, started a baby blanket, and took trips down to the beach to take photos and look for sand dollars. I actually found my first sand dollar thanks to Kim who is an expert sand dollar hunter and pointed them out!
It was my first time leaving Lainey with Robert for more than a few hours. I have to say, I am quite impressed with Daddy! In two and a half days I did not receive a single call for help or assistance! Not only that, it appears that both Lainey and Robert had a fabulous Father Daughter Weekend. Ok, to be honest, I'm a little disappointed that Lainey never really missed me. When I walked in the door she said, "hi daddy!" Missed you too Bug!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Common Adoption Myths
Good article with my own two cents thrown in.
Common Adoption Myths from:
Guest Author - Karen Ledbetter
Unfortunately, many people still hold inaccurate perceptions of the adoption process and members of the triad. Some of these myths are negative and hurtful to adoptive families, while others are plain ridiculous assumptions.
Myth: There are no babies available for adoption in the United States. Wrong! My baby is Southern born and bred, and I belong to e-mail lists where babies are welcomed into adoptive families on a regular basis! [And both Lainey and soon to be baby boy Reid are locally grown!]
Myth: Adoptees will grow up to be just like their birth parents. Not completely true. Just because a birth parent is chemically dependent does not mean a child will be. However, a child may inherit specific talents and interests from one or both birth parents. My own child inherited her beautiful singing voice and love of horses from her birth parents.
Myth: Closed adoption is better than open adoption, or vice-versa. Adoption should not be a one-size-fits all arrangement. Some families do great with open adoption, while closed adoption is better for others. Each family should choose what type of adoption is best for them, and we should all respect one another’s choices. Remember, living in this great country of ours gives us the freedom to make choices.
Myth: The wait and cost for international adoption is less than for domestic infant adoption. Not necessarily. According to statistics, both the wait and cost for international adoption can be considerably more than for domestic adoption. [Currently China has a two year wait.]
Myth: Families adopting internationally or from our country’s foster care system are rescuing children in need. It’s true that these children do need families. However, babies where birth parents are making adoption plans also need families. Adoptive parents should not be viewed as superheroes. Instead, we are all humans simply wanting to parent and, for various unique reasons, choose the adoption route. One word: respect.
Myth: Families hoping to adopt American infants of their own race are selfish. Absolutely not! There is absolutely nothing wrong with a family’s desire to raise a baby of their own race and nationality. Again, we should respect one another’s choices in adoption without questioning these choices.
Myth: Adopt, and you will become pregnant. This is ridiculous! While this does occasionally occur, this mentality suggests to me that families adopt as a reason to cure fertility. Adoption does not cure fertility, and such a suggestion is insulting to all members of the adoption triad.
Myth: Birth parents can reclaim their children at any time. Wrong! Some states do have revocation periods where a birth parent can change his/her mind about placement, but adoptive families who enter these types of adoptions, called legal risk, are fully aware and do so willingly. Most, if not all, of the contested adoptions that hit the media have problems from day one with the handling of legal documents. [WA is 48 hours after birth OR until the Judge signs off on the paperwork terminating the birthparents' rights and responsibilities.]
Myth: Open adoption may cause a child to want to live with his birth family. The opposite actually occurred in our family. At one time, my child thought life would be so much more wonderful with his birth family until he learned that their household rules and consequences for breaking the rules are the same as in our house and the same behavior would be expected regardless of which household he resided in.
Myth: Adopted children are emotionally unstable and/or grow up to be criminals. Again, another ridiculous assumption. We do not make these assumptions based on a person’s hair or eye color.
Common Adoption Myths from:
Guest Author - Karen Ledbetter
Unfortunately, many people still hold inaccurate perceptions of the adoption process and members of the triad. Some of these myths are negative and hurtful to adoptive families, while others are plain ridiculous assumptions.
Myth: There are no babies available for adoption in the United States. Wrong! My baby is Southern born and bred, and I belong to e-mail lists where babies are welcomed into adoptive families on a regular basis! [And both Lainey and soon to be baby boy Reid are locally grown!]
Myth: Adoptees will grow up to be just like their birth parents. Not completely true. Just because a birth parent is chemically dependent does not mean a child will be. However, a child may inherit specific talents and interests from one or both birth parents. My own child inherited her beautiful singing voice and love of horses from her birth parents.
Myth: Closed adoption is better than open adoption, or vice-versa. Adoption should not be a one-size-fits all arrangement. Some families do great with open adoption, while closed adoption is better for others. Each family should choose what type of adoption is best for them, and we should all respect one another’s choices. Remember, living in this great country of ours gives us the freedom to make choices.
Myth: The wait and cost for international adoption is less than for domestic infant adoption. Not necessarily. According to statistics, both the wait and cost for international adoption can be considerably more than for domestic adoption. [Currently China has a two year wait.]
Myth: Families adopting internationally or from our country’s foster care system are rescuing children in need. It’s true that these children do need families. However, babies where birth parents are making adoption plans also need families. Adoptive parents should not be viewed as superheroes. Instead, we are all humans simply wanting to parent and, for various unique reasons, choose the adoption route. One word: respect.
Myth: Families hoping to adopt American infants of their own race are selfish. Absolutely not! There is absolutely nothing wrong with a family’s desire to raise a baby of their own race and nationality. Again, we should respect one another’s choices in adoption without questioning these choices.
Myth: Adopt, and you will become pregnant. This is ridiculous! While this does occasionally occur, this mentality suggests to me that families adopt as a reason to cure fertility. Adoption does not cure fertility, and such a suggestion is insulting to all members of the adoption triad.
Myth: Birth parents can reclaim their children at any time. Wrong! Some states do have revocation periods where a birth parent can change his/her mind about placement, but adoptive families who enter these types of adoptions, called legal risk, are fully aware and do so willingly. Most, if not all, of the contested adoptions that hit the media have problems from day one with the handling of legal documents. [WA is 48 hours after birth OR until the Judge signs off on the paperwork terminating the birthparents' rights and responsibilities.]
Myth: Open adoption may cause a child to want to live with his birth family. The opposite actually occurred in our family. At one time, my child thought life would be so much more wonderful with his birth family until he learned that their household rules and consequences for breaking the rules are the same as in our house and the same behavior would be expected regardless of which household he resided in.
Myth: Adopted children are emotionally unstable and/or grow up to be criminals. Again, another ridiculous assumption. We do not make these assumptions based on a person’s hair or eye color.
Monday, November 10, 2008
A friend of mine says, "childhood is more fun the second time around."
I couldn't agree more. I have so much fun watching Lainey discover things like splashing in puddles. It just tickles me to watch her figure things out. To see her reaction when she tries something and discovers that it's fun is amazing!
Oooh....I want THAT leaf but I don't want to get my cup wet. Hmmmm.....
Problem solved!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Daddy's Girl
Telling Daddy all about her day while he drives home from work is become a habit. I'm not sure which of them enjoys this more. Lainey comes running when I ask her if she wants to say hi. She's changing literally overnight. Today she said three new words before we even had breakfast. Just a week ago she would listen but not say anything when you put a phone up to her ear. Now she understands the concept of talking on the phone and even picks up her toy phone and says, "heddo?"
Cuddling on the couch watching her favorite (and only one she'll sit still for) show on Discovery Kids, Hi-5. She walks around saying "show" until you break down and put it on. When we tell her to sit on the couch for the show she runs over to it all excited. NOTHING can distract her when that show is on.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
I took Lainey to a photographer's studio today. It didn't go very well. For one, it was a male photographer and it takes her quite awhile to warm up to men, and two, she just doesn't want to look directly at the camera for anyone. I finally chose the picture where she looks the least scared. I can't wait for the Santa pics. That should be so fun--not! I won't get the pics back for about a week but here's what I've gotten so far today. And of course we won't wear the hood!!
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