Friday, July 29, 2011


This little guy doesn't sit still for much and photos certainly don't make the short list.  But once in awhile I get lucky and manage to capture that sweet energetic spirit. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weekend Whirlwind

Knee deep into the worst summer I can remember, the forecast called for a full three days of nice, sunny weather this past weekend and we made up for lost time. I left my big camera at home Friday night and barely used it on Saturday, preferring to enjoy the  time instead of focusing on photos.

Friday night we picked up the fixings for a picnic and headed out to Discovery Park Beach.
Fried Chicken baby!

So happy to see sun and warm temps, they dropped to the sand to make sand angels.

Who needs fancy sand toys that get used once or maybe twice a year when you've got and endless supply of ROCKS to throw!

This little NW girl doesn't care how cold the water is, she's going in darnit!

How do you get two kids to look at the camera for a photo? Show them the ladybug that's crawling on your hand. Voila! A little posed but I'll take what I can get.

Now can I have it Mommy?

Climbing where she was told not to but at least she let me take her pic.  We're all about compromise around here!

Nothing like toes in warm sand!

Saturday morning we gathered the troops and set out to check off another to-do on our summer list-take a ferry ride. We've read "Goodnight Seattle" about 438 times and the kids have been asking to go on a ferry.  So off to Bainbridge we went.  

By the end of the day, the kids thought they had been on a cruise ship.  Ah, to be little!

Lunch at a favorite place. Actually, it's the only place we've eaten over there. The last time was over two years ago when my family came out to visit. Lainey was Beau's age and Beau wasn't even with us. Wow how time flies!

Trying to charm me into letting him have my camera.  Who could resist that face? He managed to take one of the worst photos of me I've ever seen. 

Picking out a post lunch treat at the fabulous Mora's Ice Cream shop.  

Score! Beau started with a small scoop of vanilla in a cup but soon discovered that Daddy's Chocolate Peanut Butter was waayyyy better. 

I have no idea what the gentleman sitting across from them said, but Beau was completely enthralled by the guy. 

Family pic on the cruise ship.

Waiting for the ferry ride home.  Sometimes the only way to keep this boy contained is to throw him on your shoulders and hope he stays there.

 A warm sunny day really should be a city holiday in this town.  In a good year, we don't see the sun enough, this year has been downright awful.

Next up, the market in search of some dinner!

Lainey insisted on sitting on the pig at the market.  Who is Daddy is texting I wonder?

Sunday we stuck close to home.  Beau not napping on Saturday resulted in a very cranky boy on Sunday and on top of that, he woke up not feeling well. So while he was catching up on his sleep, Daddy and Lainey had a water balloon party!

Sunday night ended with a Block Party where we met the rest of the neighbors, some of which have lived on this street over 40 years.  They've seen all the changes to our house and it was interesting to hear their tales.

In all, a great weekend! Hopefully Mother Nature will bless us with some warm sunshine again soon.